Monday, October 6, 2014

A Sailor Boy Writes His Branch President - 1943

Excerpts from a letter received by President Stanley J. Bennion of Independence, Mo. Branch from Elwood Sharp, 17 years old, enlisted with the navy, stationed in Memphis, Tenn.

I have really missed the Church services we used to have at home. But most of all I believe I have missed my Priesthood work. When I was at the training camp I was very fortunate in having the chance lo attend the only Mormon services in the armed forces there. Many is the talk I've had with Chaplain Richards concerning the Gospel. I believe he has done more to help me understand the Gospel than anyone I have ever come in contact with. I want to bear my testimony that I know the Gospel is true and Joseph Smith was the True prophet of God. Tell the boys at home lo lake every advantage of the Priesthood work that they can. We don't realize until we aren't active in it just how much it means Io us. I have found it easy to live a clean life in the navy because of the teachings of the Gospel and I owe a lot of it lo my mother and the way she has helped me with my 2 &1/2 minute talks and things like that, explaining and leaching the Gospel to me. It's funny but the little things I learned in Ihe Primary and Sunday School keep coming back to me — Things that I though I had forgotten long ago. When Mom sent me my Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Bible, I was so glad to get them I actually cried. Tell all the fellows to lake every advantage while They can. I am sending you this $10.00 for tithing.

[Clark Elwood Sharp Jr. Born February 26, 1926 Missouri. Died January 10, 2005 Missouri.]

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